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ScotClans is a terrific course for identifying your clan based on surname. The site provides a variety of colorways for each tartan based on historical significance (for example, modern, hunting, ancient, formal, and more). It also provides clan crests and a brief history for each clan as well as the septs.


The Scottish Register of Tartans is the official tartan log of the United Kingdom. Individuals may register new tartans with the SRT, but are required to meet certain requirements before the SRT will approve. You can search their database to find tartans, identify which one is right for you, compare patterns and colors, locate sellers, and more.


House of Tartan is a thorough source for your tartan search. You can search by surname and can locate sellers who specialize in woven and printed tartans. They also have various variants; for each tartan you select, you can choose from standard, modern, ancient, muted, antique, and reproduction schemes.

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